The main goal of Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada is to divulge works of literature which contribute to establish the knowledge of realities that could trigger social evolution throughout the scope of human life; whether it is in the cultural, educational or anthropological realms and, as an extension of the same in all biological fields. In short, we wish to foster the knowledge of realities which are critical for social evolution in all fields of human life through literature.

“To foster, through literature, the knowledge of realities which are critical for social evolution in all fields of human life”



Catalunya Literaria Fundació Privada would like to support the essay as a genre in order that it plays a major role among those readers who have certain scientific, sociological, political or biological inclinations. We wish to stimulate the literary production of essays so they become, as accurately as possible, a clarifying complement for the concepts developed in general literature and, simultaneously, to promote the writing of further literature based on history and philosophy, fostering the development of knowledge. In this sense we believe that the surplus of fiction literature, which strives to get the wider group of readers into the habit of thinking, reflecting and engaging in imaginative simbology, must be compensated for.

Given our aim to support the publishing of essays, Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada recently incorporated a new format: the documentary essay. We believe that among the surplus of film genres which currently populate our screens there is a lack of depth, analysis and research, all of which can be supplied by the essay in all fields of human life, given this genre’s intrinsic characteristics.

“Through essays we can enhance history and thought and we can promote the development of knowledge”



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