Author: Eduard Antoja Year: 2016 Edit: Biblioteca Divulgare Documentary Trailer Link: To view the entire documentary, please contact the Catalunya Literària Fundació Privada.
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Verfasser: Miguel de Moragas, Ashley Beale, Peter Dahlgren, Umberto Eco, Tecumseh Fitch, Urs Gasser, Joan Majó. Jahr: 2012 Leitartikel: Biblioteca Divulgare
Verfasser: Salvador Cardús, Laia Carol, Walter Feinberg, Eric Hanushek, Blanca Heredia, José Antonio Marina, Artur Moseguí, Sergio Rizzo, Isabelle Schulte-Tenckhoff, Elisa Soler, Gian Antonio Stella. Jahr: 2009 Leitartikel: Biblioteca Divulgare
Challenges of the XXI Century. An essay regarding genomic equality in the human species.
Verfasser: Lorenzo Calabi, Daniel C. Dennett, Andre Glucksmann y Jorge Wagensberg. Jahr: 2007 Leitartikel: Biblioteca Divulgare
Creating Europe, rebuilding the West
Verfasser: Vicenç Villatoro Jahr: 2004 Erstausgabe: Febrer 2005 Leitartikel: Biblioteca Divulgare